Monday, October 10, 2011

The people's eyebrow.

I heard that "the people" request a new post. Well, as they say, ask and you shall receive. Unfortunately, we are still sans laptop, which means no new pictures -- please, try to restrain yourselves. I will try to be interesting without awesome visual aides.
We found a state park nearby. The motivation for this discovery was twofold. First and foremost, our energetic pups are used to having a full sized, fenced in yard to run around and wrestle in. Without the convenience of such a yard, they have been contenting themselves with slamming each other into walls around the house. While that might be an awesome time for them, such is not the case for us. This park has a fenced in dog friendly area. That's right, bring on the squeaky tennis balls, fetch is back! The second reason for finding this place was that my fantastic mother is coming for a visit this weekend. Being the marathon runner that she is, she needs a nice place to run to train for the Manchester road race, and whatever other events she has coming up. Unlike in Connecticut, entry to state parks is free. Take THAT, Wickham Park. Nobody likes you anyway!
I should also mention that my broski will be visiting in a few weeks. If all goes well (and we aren't the unfortunate victims of a forgery), we will be going to see the Redskins / Panthers game. Sexy Rexy vs Scam Newton, as he is often referred to in our house.
We have recently been on a Mad Men binge. Because I have yet to find gainful employment and I only have class once a week, I have a lot of free time on my hands. Cue Netflix. All four seasons of Mad Men are there, and it has made me realize a few things. I wish I could dress like a '60's housewife. Seriously. For anyone who watches the show, Betty Draper is always gorgeous, although her character sucks after season 2. Also, in addition to successfully starting a slow clap (you heard me), it is now one of my life goals to get Roger Sterling crazy. If you're a fan of the show, you know that's not easy. He's been in training for years. It's cool, I'll get there somedAy.
In terms of USEFUL news, I have been in touch with the admissions office at Wake Forest, and once they get my transcripts from the most useless school on the planet, my application will be processed. Sweet! Obviously I'm going going to be applying for full-time status at UNCC. I'd rather not have to move again, but I go where my education takes me. Nerd4lyfe!
Are "the people" satisfied?


  1. the people thank you. and request some usage of paragraphs in your next edition. but yes, the people are, for the moment, satisfied.

  2. There are 5 paragraphs in this post, sir.

  3. i see the attempt, but poor execution lol

  4. About time there missy. Can't wait to visit!!

  5. Nate-- indentations are overrated lol.
    Mom-- woohoo!!!

  6. I had a great time and can't wait for Rose to embarrass me with pictures...fingers tapping on the table impatiently...
