Friday, October 21, 2011

An abundance of blog posts

Today there will be more than one! One will have to do with my mom's visit (this one), and the other one will just be some pictures.
SO, as you know, my mom came to visit last weekend and it was awesome. We shopped for her Halloween costume, went to the movies, baked a failpie (pictures to follow), got some cowboy boots (NOT for me), read books, carved a pumpkin, and took pictures in the photo booth at the mall. She also helped me stock my kitchen with a few necessities like measuring spoons and a rolling pin. It was a great weekend :)

First we went to the Hillbilly Produce Market (which actually has really good produce), where we found some gourds to put with our pumpkin.

Then we pulled out the seeds. No, I didn't toast them. But I should have.

I drew some practice faces. I'm a really gifted artist, as you can see. Be jealous.

The mouth totally looks like the Batman sign. Yes, I did do that on purpose. Don't believe me? Whatever.

We tested how the face would look. I think it's an improvement. (Kidding. We all know I look just like my mother.)

Then we had to figure out how to place the gourds. I think it looks like a pipe. I was overruled.

My mom put her cowboy boot covered feet down, and arranged everything. So nice!

1 comment:

  1. What no failpie pics? Post one when you make the REAL pie.
