Friday, October 21, 2011

A weekend with Nathan

Now, Nathan is here for the weekend. Today we went on a video game bender and played Gears of War 3 for like 4 hours. Ah, sibling bonding. It's going to be an exciting weekend, I can tell. Of course, there are also the slippers.
The background: A few years ago, Nate was looking for new slippers. I told him I was gonna buy him some fuzzy character slippers. I have been looking for some character slippers for 3 or 4 years, and I finally found them. I looked at Disney (Not the store, the place. In Orlando), online, in every single store that sells slippers, pretty much anywhere I could think of. Alas, they were nowhere to be found. Last week I walk into Spencer's, and there was a whole wall of character slippers. Was it fate? I have to say, I can't think of what else it would have been.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Get on our level.

Of course, cute dog pictures.

Ignore the huge carpet-fiber bunnies. And pay attention to Enzo, sleeping in the corner behind my chair.

Here's Archie, doin the Archie thing. He likes to sit on his butt and put his front paws up. I think he thinks he's a person.

This is what we come home to. Two monster faces in the window.

Here's Archie snuggling with Nathan on our sofa. Awwww.

And now, a series of fail pictures taken by Donald. There's this building that gets lit up at night and it always looks so pretty. So as we were driving to the airport, I asked Donald to take a picture. These are the results.

...Yea, I'm not so sure either. Maybe next time?