Monday, September 26, 2011

It's not my fault!!

This is a post in which I pay respects to my laptop. After a months long battle with a failing hard drive, it has finally succumbed. Because of this, I won't be able to post pictures for a few days. This also means that I'm behind on my reading. There were four e-books on the laptop, freshly downloaded and ready to be transferred to my Nook that never made it off the sinking ship. Hopefully we will be able to transfer the contents of the hard drive to a new temporary one, which would allow me to have a few days' worth of reading material and the ability to post some cute puppy pictures :)
And now, I leave you with some food for thought: the Redskins need to work on their red zone offense, because field goals aren't cutting it. I now return to Monday Night Football. Let's got Skins!!


  1. Love your food for thought! wore my sedate redskins t-shirt today but didn't intimidate any cowboys fans :-(

  2. Bummer :( maybe next time you should subtly paint your face or something. I bet that would work!!

  3. the people request a new blog post!
