Friday, September 2, 2011

Home sweet home!

Yesterday we got the keys to the condo. The community is nice, very quiet with a lot of kids and dogs. We've been working on getting the new place set up, which basically just means there is trash everywhere right now. We brought a few things with us, but we've been buying most of the bigger stuff we've needed. Doing all this running around has been helping us get to know the area so hopefully we'll stop having to use GPS for everything. There are a ton of HUGE Wal-Marts down here, all of which are open 24 hours. It's like a religion. We spent the day with no furniture yesterday, so that was priority #1 this morning. We got a couple chairs and we picked out the rest of the furniture we want, which we should be picking up this weekend. I came home to beautiful flowers and some chocolates from my mom, thanks Mom!
The house.

The kitchen, with an electric stove :( I guess I can't have everything!

"Fireplace" in the living room.

Dining area.

Sitting room thingy / entrance.

Spare rooms.

Master bedroom

Is that a homeless guy?! Oh no, it's just Donald sleeping on the floor cuz we had no furniture.

That whole building is Wal-Mart. There's even a McDonald's inside.

We thought my car needed a hat.

Lovely flowers from my mom, along with my Evil Queen box. Its twin is on my mom's mantle. 

Talk soon,
Rose & Donald