Sunday, September 4, 2011

You learn something new every day

And believe me, I have been learning a lot. Here are some of the more surprising / weird / helpful things I've picked up on.

-- 80's music is still regularly played on the radio. I've heard "Vogue" and Billy Idol songs on multiple stations.
-- The license plate game is AWESOME here. I've seen SC, FL, IL, OH, TX, CA, OR, and IA, just to name a few. 
-- Our closest neighbor lives on our front porch, and is a black widow spider.
-- There are actually a lot of interracial couples down here, surprisingly many of them black/white.
-- Most of the Spanish population here is South American, not Caribbean.
-- Home life is more important than jobs, so things are more relaxed.
-- You can buy alcohol 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
-- Waiters and waitresses always ask if you want one check or separate checks.
-- It's "sweet tea" or "unsweet tea," not "unsweetened." Saying unsweetened makes you look uppity.
-- There are a lot of people in Charlotte who are not from Charlotte. It's a good place to move to.
-- Nona's Bakery is delicious, and if you ever come to visit I'll bring you there.
-- As I mentioned before, Wal-Mart is a way of life, and they have the best groceries. Better than the grocery stores.

There is still a lot to learn about life in the south, but all in all we are settling in nicely.

Here's to new experiences!
Rose & Donald

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