Tuesday, September 13, 2011

On the road again.

This past weekend we drove back to Connecticut to pick up the pups and pack up our Pod (how's THAT for alliteration?). It was also Donald's birthday, and we had some delicious chocolate cake with chocolate ganache that had one pound of chocolate in the recipe. Awesome! Anyway, as promised, here are some road pics.

Because it was 9/11 weekend, we drove 81 through the mountains. More interesting scenery than on 95, though even more unlit.

One good thing about driving this way was that we could fill up for $40. I guess living in the middle of nowhere has to have some perks.

As promised, funny road signs. Apparently people in Virginia really wish they were from Scotland.

Then we drove into a big rainstorm and somewhere in Pennsylvania it looked like there was going to be a tornado. Don't worry, there wasn't.

Living in the south, you see a certain amount of redneck-ery. This was a prime example.

Where's the one place you NEVER want to be? Oh yea, that would be West Virginia. We consulted GPS to make sure we didn't miss our exit.

And of course, the reason we made the drive in the first place. Monstahs are adjusting well, and we're glad to have them back.

Hope you're all well!

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