Friday, September 23, 2011

Alright, alright. I'm posting.

Geez! Kidding, I know I've been slacking off, while all you guys have been waiting so patiently for news and pictures and excitement. As for news, not much to report. My neighbors are all terrible people who let their children scream in the street at 6:00 in the morning while walking their small yappy dog that they allow to bark and bark and bark, after a car horn beeps for about 15 seconds to wake us all up, including the dogs who start barking because they're pissed off about being awoken. Can you blame them? Not so much. It's grey and rainy here, has been for the past few days, but it's supposed to clear up and warm up next week. I believe we'll be back in the high 70's before too long. If I was making a list of things I really enjoy about Charlotte, that would be on there. I'll still be tan at Christmas at the rate we're going.
Anywho, the dogs are adjusting pretty well, they miss having a big yard to run around in so they make do with running around the house and slamming each other into walls. I would care more about disturbing our neighbors if they weren't such pains in the tush. Slowly but surely we are getting our furniture and stuff in, though our walls are still very much naked (as you will see shortly). But enough of that, here are some pictures, the REAL reason for this blog.

 As always, a funny street sign. I've been trying to get this one basically since we first got down here.

"But Rose," you ask, "Aren't the clothes supposed to go IN the dresser?" To which I respond, "Touche." Also, our lovely Ikea bed, apparently not as complicated as Nate's, which is still not put together. Lame.

Our nice guest bathroom stuff. I think it's nice, although in looking at the pictures I see that most of our color choices are some type of brown. BORING!

Our (brown) sofa, also from Ikea. Unfortunately, the covers are dry clean only. Bummer, especially because they tend to attract things like stains and dog-hair. We chose brown so the dog-hair would blend in :)

I was SUPER excited to buy a set of knives. We were really roughin' it on Trout Brook with like 3 old, dull knives. And of course, the most important appliance in the kitchen, the coffee maker. It comes in handy after being rudely awakened by the obnoxious neighbors. Did I mention I don't like the neighbors?

Our first bookshelf. Sweet! And our awesome Papasan chairs. The red one is in the corner where I like to curl up with my Nook (thanks, Mom!) and a cup of tea and devour books. Enzo also prefers that corner. He likes to sleep behind the chair where no one can see him or make him uncomfortable by moving around too much. He's a picky sleeper.

Two sleepy monsters, after a long day of wrestling and trouble-making. They were basically sleeping in the exact same position, down to the way their ears were falling on the floor. Que cute! Archie also likes the red chair, it's his new favorite nap spot and he gets mad when I'm sitting in it and he has to sleep on the floor/sofa. How dare I take his chair!!

If I don't post regularly, keep bugging me!


  1. don't be taking shots at my on ur blog there buddy lol.

    Also, which dog decided to sleep that way? Did enzo intentionally put his head under archies butt or did archie intentionally put his butt on archies head?

  2. what i mean was did archie intentionally put his butt on ENZOs head.

  3. I'm pretty sure Enzo put his head under Archie's butt, idk if you've seen the pic on FB of him bein tea bagged lol. He finds it soothing? Idk.
