Sunday, December 25, 2011

Merry Christmas :)

Wednesday we made the drive back up to CT for Christmas. The traffic wasn't bad, we made it in about 12 hours and passed out when we got in. Thursday my mom and I started our crazy baking marathon. We made 13 kinds of cookies: cinnamon-ginger brownies, chocolate mint squares, peppermint bark, candy cane cookies, meatball cookies, pepparkakor, fennel tea cookies, toffee caramel bars, lemon ginger cookies, peanut brittle, and eggnog logs. Don't you wish you came over for dessert? We had three mixers going at the same time. It was pretty serious. Thursday night we had some friends over, Saturday night was the Christmas Eve party with the family, today has been pretty relaxing, tomorrow we'll be visiting with friends, Tuesday we're going to see Kathryn and Aaron, and then at night we're going to my dad's for dinner. Then we start the long drive back down to Charlotte. Here are some pictures from the visit so far.

Mixers one, two, and three.

Getting all our recipes organized for the madness to follow.

I like to call these guys "devil cookies" because they were evil to make. They tasted pretty good though.

Master chefs in our aprons :)

Meatball cookies, my favorite new recipe we tried this year.

Peppermint bark

We had cookie crap EVERYWHERE for like 3 days.

We had one failure of a recipe that had to go in the trash. They were super gross.

Family time :)

The tree and the mantle

Best. Christmas socks. Ever. Thanks, Santa!!

I hope you're all enjoying your holidays.

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