Sunday, December 11, 2011

It's been a roller-coaster of a day.

Football has been stressful. Awful start in the game against the Pats, then the Skins almost came back, then they threw it away. And I think I'm going to become a Broncos fan. Tebow Time is better than Redskins football. Unless they draft RGIII, there's really no reason to stay.
Anywho. Not a whole lot to report here. The weather is sort of confusing. It gets very cold at night and in the mornings, but it has still been in the 60's and 70's during the day. So I leave the house with a Northface and my Perry the Platypus or Oscar the Grouch hat and by noon, I feel totally overdressed. It's weird that it's two-ish weeks from Christmas and I'm still wearing shorts inside the house. I can't have fuzzy winter legs when that's the case. Geez man!
I saw this on the road the other day.

You are pimp'n in your garbage truck sir. Yes you are.

So maybe I don't hate them ALL the time. Sometimes they're cute and I actually don't want to kill them. But don't tell them that, they might get some funny ideas.

Snowman courtesy of my grandma :) holiday cards from my dad and Zoie. We don't have a tree but we are definitely feeling Christmas-y.

As I type, Tebow just RAN OVER some defenders, left one guy laid out on the field. Redskins better step it up, because it's Tebow time in this house.


  1. i'd like to point out that the redskins did way better against the patriots than tebow time did.

  2. That's cuz Tebow time didn't have any help from his defense, the one good part of the Redskins. My support is conditional based on what happens in the off-season.
