Friday, December 30, 2011

The longest drive home.

Wednesday morning we were organized enough to be on the road by 5 a.m. We were making really good time until we hit traffic in DC. Somewhere between DC and Fredericksburg, my alternator decided it had had enough. About 5 minutes away from Donald's grandparents' house, my battery decided that it was also exhausted, and kicked the bucket. So we waited for a tow, went to the mechanic that the Willis family uses, got the alternator and the battery replaced, and were on our merry way about 4 hours later. So we get back on the highway and 3 exits down, the new alternator decides it doesn't like my car and, you guessed it, no power in the car. Again. So we (barely) made it to the end of the exit ramp and sat and waited for a tow again. Donald's grandfather came to the rescue and gave us a ride and a place to stay, and made sure the car was seen to first thing the next morning. You'll be glad to know that the third time was, in fact, the charm, and we left Thursday morning and made it all the way back to Charlotte. Adventures galore!

While we were back in CT, we visited my lovely friend Lexi, who lives in Winsted. For those of you who don't know about Winsted, it's one of those places where you don't want to drink the water. We pulled up outside her apartment building and parked behind a car that had the following bumper sticker:

Nothing says "Welcome to Connecticut" like a little knowledge from Hitler.  Can you hear the banjos?

This time we drove 95 to 85. The split happens in Richmond, VA. Here's a peek at some quality signage.

What this sign is telling me is that if you continue down 95 for a short while, after you pass Rocky Mount, NC, you'll hit Miami. While you will eventually hit Miami, I can think of about 10 other major cities they could have listed on that sign. How misleading.

This I just had to take a picture of because really, ew.

Again, ew. Not sure what else I can say here.

Once we got home we decided it was time to really organize and put crap away that has just been sitting in boxes. The first step was to hang up clothes and organize our closet. I got all my dresses and nice clothes hung up, and all my dresser drawers arranged. Then came the beast.

How I ended up with so many pairs of shoes, I honestly can't say. But finding room for all of them was a real challenge, let me tell you. This picture also doesn't include my two pairs of sneakers or any of my flip flops. Hi, my name is Rose and I have a problem...