Tuesday, November 29, 2011


I wasn't as organized as I wanted to be over the holiday. I meant to take a bunch of pictures, but I didn't. I also forgot Nathan's video game and a picture for my dad. Those two I can blame on 4 a.m. brain, but the pictures were just pure laziness.
The drive was pretty quick, only about 5 hours which now feels like nothing. The dogs were kenneled for a few days which made us a little nervous, but they seemed fine when we picked them up. Enzo's bark was a little hoarse, I'm sure he drove everyone crazy while we were gone. The trip was a nice little break. The food was good, the company was good, overall a success. We'll probably plan to split Thanksgiving and Christmas this way as long as we're down here. I promise that over Christmas (and hopefully before then) I'll take good pictures. It's been a while since I posted any.


  1. I found a pic for Dad - check with him if it was what he was looking for.

  2. Yea he said it was the right one but I didn't know you gave it to him before we went. I did a forehead smack when I saw him lol.
